The Fall Ensemble recital was amazing! Loved hearing everyone play together and step it up for this concert. Every recital just keeps sounding better! Fantastic work everyone!
Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is just around the corner so I want to remind everyone that there are no lessons on Thanksgiving Day and that masterclasses will resume in January. For those who are planning next year already, the new 2013 calendar is up and posted on the Schedule page. Main events include:
DEC 30 - JAN 3 Break
JAN 21st Martin Luther King Jr Day - We will have lessons
JAN 27-31 Masterclass Week
FEB 24-28 Masterclass Week
MAR 24-28 Masterclass Week
APR 21-25 Masterclass Week
MAY 4th Spring Solo Recital
MAY 25-27 Memorial Day Weekend
JUN 16-20 Masterclass Week
JUN 30 - JULY 4 Break
JULY 21-25 Masterclass Week
AUG 25-28 Masterclass Week
SEPT 22-26 Masterclass Week
OCT 26th Fall Ensemble Recital
OCT 27-31 No lessons - previous week was double (rehearsals + recital)
NOV 22nd Thanksgiving
DEC 22 - JAN 2 Christmas Break